完成對話 從方框內(nèi)選擇最佳選項,并把字母序號寫在對話后面的空格內(nèi)。(方框中有兩個選項與對話內(nèi)容無關(guān))

A.Of course not.                B.by the way,

C.What’s up?                    D.I’d love to take some photos.

E.I want to buy him a gift   F.Can you help me to get a new one?

G.Can I go to your house to get it on Friday evening?

Andy: Hello.

Rita: Hi, Andy. This is Rita.

Andy: Oh, Rita. ___1______

Rita: I’m going to my best friend’s birthday party.   2  Would you mind lending me your new camera?

Andy:  3   I don’t think I’ll need it for anything.

Rita: Thanks a lot, I’ll give it back soon

Andy: Well,   4   have you used a camera before?

Rita: Uh-huh, Sure, several times.  5  

Andy: Ok. I’ll wait for you at home.

1.C       2.D      3.A       4.B       5.G


科目:初中英語 來源:北京市九年義務(wù)教育初中英語同步練習(xí)第六冊 題型:018


A.You're welcome.

B.Glad to see you, too.

C.Of course.

D.Good afternoon.

E.This is my teacher, Mr. Wang.

John:Good afternoon. Mike.

Mike: 1

John:Mike 2

Mr. Wang:Glad to see you.

Mike: 3

John:My teacher's bike is broken. Would you please help him repair it?

Mike: 4

(After the repairs were done)

John and Mr. Wang : Thank you very much.

Mike: 5


科目:初中英語 來源:北京市九年義務(wù)教育初中英語同步練習(xí)第六冊 題型:030


A:62987365. 1

B:Hello. This is Peter speaking.


A:I'm sorry. He is not in at the moment. Can I take a message for him?

B: 3 We are going to Xiangshan Park tomorrow morning. Please tell him to meet us at the school gate at 7: 00 .

A: 4

B: 5 Goodbye.

A:You're welcome. Bye.


科目:初中英語 來源:北京市九年義務(wù)教育初中英語同步練習(xí)第六冊 題型:050


A:Hello. May I speak to Mary?

B: 1 I'll see if she is in.

B:I'm sorry, she isn't in. 2

A:Will you please give a message to her?

B: 3

A:Please tell her not to come here to have a meeting.

B: 4

A:Goodbye. Thank you.

B: 5


科目:初中英語 來源:北京市九年義務(wù)教育初中英語同步練習(xí)第六冊 題型:054


A. 1 ?

B.I'd like to buy a pair of shoes. Can I have a look at those shoes?

A. 2 . Here you are.

B.Thank you. They are nice. Can I try them on?

A.Certainly. 3 ?

B.Size 7. I think.

A.Here you are.

B.They fit me. 4 ?

A.They are 125 yuan . It's a sale price.

B. 5 . I'll buy it .

