1. Linda:         I like learning English. I don't know many English words. But I think I can learn it well.
2. Tom:          I like sports. Soccer is my favorite sport. But I don't have a soccer ball. My favorite
                      sports star is David Beckham.
3. Sandra:      I often play sports. I like playing volleyball and running. I am a running star.
4. Ben:           I like music very much. I can sing and play the guitar. I often listen to English songs. 
                      Michael Jackson is my favorite singer.
1. Linda ________     2. Tom ________     3. Sandra________   4. Ben ________
5. 送禮物的同時(shí),王芳想同時(shí)送上自己的賀卡,你能幫她完成設(shè)計(jì)嗎?請(qǐng)?jiān)谙旅娴目崭裰刑钌虾线m的單詞。
1. B    2. D    3. C    4. A    5. Happy

科目:初中英語 來源:2012年外研版初中英語九年級(jí)上Module 6 練習(xí)卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解



Dear Mr. and Mrs. Green,

Welcome to our neighborhood. I’m very glad that you and your family become our neighbor. However, I am sorry to say that you have brought some trouble to us. Mr. Green, would you please not play the drum late into the night? We can’t fall asleep until you stop it. Mrs. Green, you are always like the early bird. So would you please not sing so loud in the early morning? And your son Paul is playing balls at home all day. Would you please ask him not to play there? There is a big playground in front of our building. What’s more, your daughter Emma plays music too loud. She makes so much noise. My little baby starts to cry as soon as she plays the crazy music. Thank you for your understanding!




To whom



To whom

Mr. Green

Plays the drum late into the night



Mr. Green

Mrs. Green



Please don’t sing so loud in the early morning.

Mrs. Green




Please don’t play music too loud.










科目:初中英語 來源:0123 期末題 題型:閱讀理解

     Every scientist has a childhood dream. A scientist in China once had a dream. He wished to grow a new
type of rice. This new type of rice would be as big as peanuts. This person is Yuan Longping - "Father" of
Hybrid rice (雜交水稻).
     Yuan Longping was born in 1930. He graduated from the Southwest Agricultural (農(nóng)業(yè)) University in
1953. He came up with an idea for a Hybrid rice in the 1960s. Since then, he has devoted himself to research
and to the development of new varieties.
     In 1973, together with other people, he succeeded in the development of Hybrid rice. This made China a
worldwide leader in rice production (生產(chǎn)). In 1980, the technology (技術(shù)) for hybrid rice was introduced
to the United States. Now his "super rice" has been introduced to more than 20 other countries.
     Because of Professor Yuan's hard work, China now produces enough rice to feed her people every year.
Last November an online survey showed that most Chinese believed that Yuan deserved (應(yīng)得) a Nobel peace
     In his spare time, Yuan loves playing the violin and listening to music. Every night, he reads for half an
hour before he goes to sleep. He likes swimming, too. It is said that Professor Yuan is one of the richest
people in China. But he cares about nothing but his research.
Variety  1. 多樣化的; 變化:giveto the program使節(jié)目豐富多彩/His
                writing lacks
            2. 種類:a choiceof black tea特級(jí)紅茶/varieties of cloth各種布匹
            3. 種種:Iron has a variety of uses. 鐵有種種用處。
            4.【生】變種; 品種;【語】異體:a new variety of apples蘋果的
1. What was Yuan Longping's childhood dream?
2. What are Yuan Longping's hobbies?
3. The underlined word "her" in the 4th paragraph means _________.
4. Seven years after the successful development of Hybrid rice, it was introduced to _________.
      On the map No.                  is where the country is.
5. According to the following explanations of the word "variety" in a dictionary, the word "varieties" in 2nd
    paragraph probably means __________ in Chinese.

