He got ________ F this term.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

The worst traveler in the world was Paul of San Francisco. Once he f____【小題1】 from the U.S. to his hometown in Italy to see someone at home. The plane made a one-hour stop to get oil at an airport in New York. Paul thought he was in Rome. C____【小題2】, he got off the plane.
When nobody was there to meet him, Paul thought maybe the heavy t____【小題3】 made his friends late. While looking for their address, Paul found that the old “Rome”had changed a lot. He found many high m____【小題4】 buildings instead of old ones. He also found that many people spoke English but not Italian and that many street signs were w____ 【小題5】 in English.
Paul knew very l____【小題6】 English. So he asked a policeman in Italian the way to the bus station. He happened to meet a policeman who was also born in Italy and answered in the same l____【小題7】.
After twelve hours’ traveling round on a bus, the driver handed him over to a____【小題8】 policeman. But this time, this policeman could only speak English. So paul asked the policeman why the Rome police employed(雇傭)so many people who spoke English as policemen.
Paul didn’t b____【小題9】 he was in New York when he was told so. To get him on a plane to Italy, he was s____【小題10】 to the airport in a police car.


科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆江蘇省儀征市大儀中學(xué)初三上學(xué)期期中考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:單詞拼寫

The snow lasted nearly a week. The ground turned white and the wind blew in through the b__【小題1】___ window. Old Jack looked outside and it seemed the sun was shining b___【小題2】___. He got up and tried to get some food in the kitchen but f___【小題3】___. He remembered he had eaten up the l___【小題4】___ piece of bread yesterday. He wanted to get a little from the store nearby, but the shopkeeper had said he would n___【小題5】___ sell him anything on credit(賒).
Now Old Jack went out. There were few walkers in the street and most shops were closed. He tried to beg some food but nobody felt s__【小題6】___ for him. He got even h___【小題7】___ and didn’t know where to go. At last, he n___【小題8】___ a woman at the bus stop, with a bag on the ground.
“It must be full of food..” he thought to himself. Then he walked towards the bag gently. But before he took it away, the woman found it and called out. “ Thief! Stop him!” He tried to run fast but couldn’t . He fell over and he stood up, he found h___【小題9】___ between two policemen.
“What were you thinking of when you stole the bag?” asked a policeman.
“ I’ll be full for a week if I’m successful and the prison will o___【小題10】___ me some food if I’m caught.


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆山東文登實驗中學(xué)初三下期期中考試英語卷(帶解析) 題型:單詞拼寫

【小題1】He got his drive’s ______________/ l ai s ? n s  /
【小題2】He ____________/ s ? k ‘s i: d i d   / in winning the game..
【小題3】I can’t ____________/ ?’ f ?: d  / the car.
【小題4】He ___________/ r i ? l ai z d   / the importance of study.
【小題5】How many ____________/ ai l ? n d z / are there in the world?
【小題6】The ______________/’ t e m p ? r ? t? ? / is the same in KunMing.


科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學(xué)年湖北省九年級上學(xué)期期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:其他題


Fred didn’t like to use his head. He never put his heart into his studies when he was at school. So he f 1.  behind his classmates and couldn't pass the exams. Before long he l  2.  school and stayed at home. With his father’s help, he found a job in a factory. At first he worked in an office, but he was u   3.  to do his job well. So he was sent to a workshop. He had to do some heavy work there. He was always tired when he got home and went to bed as soon as he finished s  4.   .

One day, he went to have his long hair cut. He found the work clean and l 5. . He decided to be a barber, too. So he left the factory. He t 6.  a barber as his teacher. Three month passed, but he didn’t learn anything and the barber lost his p   7.   . The young man had to go home. His father helped him to open a barber’s in their town, but nobody would have their hair cut in his shop. His father wanted others to b       8.   .Fred and decided to be the first customer.

However, the young man was so c  9.     that he hurt his father’s ear. His father shook his head s 10.   and said, “Have you ever done something nicely?” “Oh, Dad, I’m dreaming of it.”



科目:初中英語 來源:2011年寧夏銀川市初二上學(xué)期期末考試英語卷 題型:完型填空


Monty Robert’s father was a horse trainer. As a child, Monty often went from one farm to   21  with his father. Sometimes they didn’t have enough money to   22   food, but Monty still kept hoping to own a   23   farm.

When he was in school, his teacher asked him to write a paper   24   what he wanted to be and do when he grew up. He wrote a seven-page paper   25   his dream of having a horse farm one day. He   26   drew a picture of a horse farm in the paper.

The next day he handed   27   in to his teacher. Two days later, he got his paper back. On the front page was a large red “F” with some words “See me after class.”   28   the boy did and asked his teacher, “Why did I get an F?” The teacher said, “This dream will not   29   for a young boy like you.   30   a horse farm needs a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for a lot of things. There is no way you could ever do it.” Then the teacher added, “If you write this paper again with a   31   dream, I will give you a good grade.”

After school he thought about it   32  . At last, he decided to hand in the same paper, making   33   changes at all. He wrote, “You can keep the F and I’ll keep my   34  .”

Many years later, Monty had his own 200 acres horse farm. His dream came true.

So don’t let   35   take away your dreams. Follow your dreams, no matter what they are.

1. A. another                              B. the others                      C. other                      D. the other

2. A. look for                 B. pay for                           C. wait for                D. ask for

3. A. horse                                 B. chicken                          C. pig                         D. flower

4.A. in                                          B. at                                    C. about                             D. off

5. A. talking about                   B. talking with                  C. talking to    D.talking over

6. A. ever                                    B. even                              C. never                    D. over

7.A. them                                   B. farm                               C. it                            D. picture

8. A. Or                              B. So                                    C. But                        D. And

9.A. come back                         B. come from                    C. come true D.come down

10. A. Owning                           B. Drawing                        C. Asking                   D. Writing

11. A. difficult                            B. high                                C. bad                        D. simple

12. A. easily                               B. hard                                C. heavily                  D. hardly

13. A. any                                   B. some                              C. all                           D. no

14. A. horse                               B. land                                C. dream                   D. paper

15.A. anyone                                 B. everyone                       C. someone              D. none



