He was _____________in the ____________movie

  1. A.
    interested, interesting
  2. B.
    interesting, interested
  3. C.
    interest, interesting
  4. D.
    interest, interested
be interested in sth,主語一般為人,而interesting主要是修飾事物的,故選A

科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Monty was the son of a horse trainer. When he was in his ninth grade, he was asked to write a __31__ about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up.
That night he wrote a seven-page paper saying that someday he’d __32__ a horse ranch (牧場). He wrote about his dream in great detail and he __33__ drew a picture of a 200-acre ranch with all the buildings.
He put a great deal of his __34__ into the project and the next day he handed it in __35__ his teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a __36__ that read, “See me after class.”
The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked, “__37__ did I receive an F?”
The teacher said, “This is an __38__ dream for a young boy like you. You come from a poor family. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of __39__. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for other things. There is no__40__ you could ever do it.” Then the teacher added, “__41__ you rewrite this paper with a more realisticgoal, I will reconsider your grade.”
The boy went home and thought about __42__ long and hard. He asked his father what he should do. His father said, “Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this. However, I think it is a very important __43__ for you.”
Finally, after sitting with it for a week, the boy turned in the __44__ paper, making no changes at all. He said to the teacher, “You can keep the F and I’ll keep my   45 .”

A.HowB.WhyC.When D.Where


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

My son Joey was born with club feet.The doctors told us that he would be able to walk,but would never run very well.By the time he was eight,you wouldn't know he had a problem when you saw him walk.
The children in our neighborhood ran around playing,and Joey would join them, run and play,too.We never told him that he probably wouldn't be able to run as well as the other children.So he didn't know.
In seventh grade he decided to go out for the cross-country team.Every day he worked harder and ran more than any of the others.Although the entire team runs,only the top seven runners score for the school.We didn't tell him he probably would never be on the team,so he didn't know.
He continued to run four to five miles a day,every day - even the day he had a high fever.I was worried,so I went to see him after school.I found him running all alone.I asked him how he felt."Okay," he said.He had two more miles to go.Yet he looked straight ahead and kept running.We never told him he couldn't run miles with a high fever.So he didn't know.
Two weeks later,the names of the team runners were called.Joey was Number Six on the list.Joey was on the team! He was in seventh grade.We never told him he couldn’t do it!
【小題1】The doctor believed Joey would never run very well because ____.
A.Joey didn’t like running
B.Joey couldn’t jump
C.Something was wrong with his feet
D.Joey was too young to run
【小題2】Few people know Joey’s club feet before ____.
A.he was eight years old
B.he was in seven grade
C.he ran for the cross-country team
D.he was on the cross-country team
【小題3】How many runners can score for the school?
【小題4】Which of the following is true according to the story?
A.Joey’s parents didn’t love him         
B.Joey was a boy with a strong mind.
C.Joey’s parents stopped him joining the team 
【小題5】The writer wants to tell us _____.
A.children shouldn’t do what they can’t do
B.children with club feet can’t take part in sports
C.parents should tell their children what they can do
D.parents should know how to help their children in the right way.


科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆浙江省十校九年級4月聯(lián)考英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:完型填空

The lecture on smoking was over at last. As we boys were rushing towards the playground, Jim passed by the table. The watch, which Mrs Smith had 41_____ on the table as she started her lecture, had disappeared.
We were about to go back for class again when the headmaster called us 42_____ and said, “ I’ve got little 43_______ for you boys. Mrs Smith has just lost her watch on the playground. This kind of thing has happened 44______”.She said, “It just falls off her wrist (手腕).So, look around for it, will you? 45______ if you’re clever enough to find it. You will get a big reward(獎賞)”
At once we started looking for the watch. Everybody wished to be the 46____ one. Suddenly, Jim stopped and bent(彎)down as if to 47_____ something. And 48­­­­_______ he was in front of Mrs Smith, all smiles, 49______ the watch to her.
Mrs Smith, however, didn’t seem 50______ at all. In fact, she looked angry. She took the watch without 51______a “Thank you.”
Jim got his reward—a large piece of paper from the headmaster. He 52______Jim to write a composition 53______ the dangers of smoking. What could 54______ Jim write about? He hadn’t listened to the lecture and had nothing to say on the 55_____.

【小題5】A. Say         B see               C. Gues             D. Check
A.put downB.give outC.find outD.pick out
A.the following momentB.the next moment
C.for a momentD.just a moment
A.handing outB.turning inC.giving upD.send back.


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學年江蘇寶應縣南片六校七年級下期5月份月度調(diào)研英語卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

In the 13th century, the Italian traveler, Marco polo , traveled a long way to China , During his stay in China , he saw many wonderful things . One of the things he discovered was that the Chinese used paper money . In western countries , people did not use paper money until the 15th century . However , people in China began to use paper money in the 7th century .
A Chinese man called CaiLun invented paper almost 2000 years ago. He made it from wood . He took the wood from trees and made it into paper . He then put these pieces of paper together and made them into a book .
Now paper still comes from trees . We use a lot of paper every day ! If we keep on wasting so much paper , there will not be any trees on the earth . If there are no trees , there will be no paper . Every day , people throw away about 2800 tons (噸) of paper in our city . It takes 17 trees to make one ton of paper . This means that we are cutting nearly 48000 trees every day . Since it takes more than 10 years for a tree to grow , we must start using less paper now . If we don’t , we will not have enough time to grow more trees to take the place of those we use for paper .
So how can we save paper ? We can use both sides of every piece of paper , especially when we are making notes .We can choose drinks in bottles instead of those in paper packets . We can also use cotton handkerchiefs (手帕) and not paper ones . When we go shopping , we can use fewer paper bags . If the shop assistant does give us a paper bag, we can save it and reuse it later .
Everyone can help to save paper . If we all think carefully , we can help protect trees . But we should do it now , before it is too late .
【小題1】When he was in China , Marco polo ___________ .

A.discovered CaiLun invented paper
B.learned to make paper
C.saw many wonderful things
D.told people about it
【小題2】About _______ tons of paper are thrown away every day in our city.
【小題3】Which of the following is NOT the way of saving paper ?
A.To use both sides of every piece of paper
B.To use the paper bags from shops more than once
C.To use cotton handkerchiefs instead of paper ones
D.To grow more trees
【小題4】Which of the following is NOT TRUE ?
A.If we keep on wasting paper , we will have no paper to use
B.The Chinese used paper money much earlier than the people in western countries
C.About 48000 trees can be used to make 2800 tons of paper
D.It is never too late to plant trees for paper .
【小題5】Which is the best title (標題)of the passage ?
A.Saving PaperB.The history of Paper
C.Cotton Handkerchiefs Back AgainD.CaiLun , the Great Inventor


科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學年江蘇省東臺市第一教研片九年級12月月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

—I haven't seen Tom for a long time. Is he ill? —_____. His teacher told me he was in hospital.

A. I'm. afraid not                B. I'm afraid so                    C. 1 hope not                      D. I hope so


