Many doctors and scientists are working hard on curing AIDS. We hope AIDS _____ one day.

     A. will cure               B. will be cured

     C. will treat               D. will be treated







科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

About 70,000,000 Americans are trying to lose weight.This is almost one out of every three people in the United States.Some people eat  1  food and they hardly have any fats or sweets. Others do running exercise with machines,take medicines,or even have can see losing weight is  3  work,and it will also cost a lot of money.But  4 do so many people in the United States want to lose weight?
Many people in the United States worry about their look of the body.For many people,looking nice also means to be  5 .Other people worry about their health as many doctors 6  overweight is not good.
Most people want to find a faster and  7  way to take off fat,and books of this kind are very popular.These books tell people how to lose weight.Each year a lot of new books like these are  8  .Each one says it can easily help people take fat away.
Losing weight can be expensive.Some overweight people go to health centers,like La Costa in California.Men and women 9 several hundred dollars a day at these health centers.People live there for one week or two,taking exercise,eating different foods.Meals there may be just a little.All this works for losing weight. 10 4 days on the program,one woman called Mrs. Warren lost 5 pounds(2.27kg).At 400 dollars a day, she spent 320dollars to lose each pound.But she said she was still glad to do so.
Health centers,books,medicines,operations,running and exercise machines all get a lot of money.So in the United States,losing Weight may mean losing money too。


科目:初中英語 來源:2013年初中畢業(yè)升學考試(湖北孝感卷)英語(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Do you want to live a happier, less stressful(有壓力的) life? Try laughing for no reason at all. That’s how millions of people start their day at Laughter(笑聲) Clubs around the world and many doctors now think that having a good laugh might be one of the best ways to stay healthy.

The first Laughter Club was started in Mumbai, India, in 1995 by Dr. Madan Kataria.“Young children laugh about 300 times a day. Adults laugh between 7 and 15 times a day,” says Dr. Kataria. “Everyone is naturally good at laughing — it’s the common language. We want people to feel happy with their lives.” There are now more than 500 Laughter Clubs in India and over 1,300 in the world.

Many doctors are also interested in the effects(效果) of laughter on our health. According to a 5-year study at the UCLA School of Medicine in California, with laughing there is less stress in the body. Laughter improves our health against illness by about 40%.

So what happens at a Laughter Club? I went along to my nearest club in South London to find out. I was quite nervous at the beginning of the class, to be honest, I wasn’t interested in laughing with a group of strangers, and I was worried about looking silly. Our laughter teacher told us to clap our hands and say “ho ho ho, ha ha ha” while looking at each other. However, our bodies can’t tell the difference between real laughter and unreal laughter, so they still produce the same healthy effects.

Surprisingly, it works! After ten minutes everybody in the room was laughing for real and some people just couldn’t stop! At the end of the class I was surprised by how relaxed and comfortable I felt. So if you’re under stress, then start laughing. You might be very pleased with the results.

1.The first Laughter Club was started in __________.

A. India     B. America         C. Britain   D. China

2.How many Laughter Clubs are there in the world today?

A. Over 300.     B. Over 500.      C. Over 800.      D. Over 1,300.

3.How did the writer feel at the beginning of the class?

A. Surprised.     B. Pleased.         C. Nervous.        D. Tired.

4.When did the people in the club begin to laugh for real?

A. After ten minutes.        B. After ten hours.

C. After ten seconds.        D. After ten days.

5.The article mainly tells us __________.

A. young children laugh much more often than adults in a day

B. laughing is one of the best ways to stay healthy

C. many doctors are also interested in the effects of laughter on our health

D. real laughter and unreal laughter are both good for health



科目:初中英語 來源:2011江蘇鹽城中考英語試卷 題型:閱讀理解

Many strong and out-of-control emotions are recognized as an illness. People who are always very sad have depression (抑郁癥); those who worry a lot have anxiety.

But what about anger problems? Anger is largely viewed as a secondary emotion – one caused by other emotions. People are thought to be angry because they are sad, anxious or stressed. In the past, many doctors didn’t accept the idea that anger could be a problem all on its own.

Today, though, a growing number of mental health experts think that anger is a serious problem that needs its own treatment.

How to tell the difference between “normal” anger and “anger problem” is difficult. After all, everyone gets really mad from time to time. Experts point out a few ways.

Disordered anger, as it is sometimes called, tends to be of greater intensity (強度). It takes very little to set off a person with an anger problem, and their responses (反應) are very strong. An example: While most people would get upset if a driver cut them off, someone with disordered anger might try to chase down the car and force it off the road.

And in cases of disordered anger, the person gets angry more frequently and his/her anger lasts longer. For most people, angry feelings disappear quickly. But people with anger problems often stay angry for days, weeks or even years; their feelings of anger don’t disappear over time.

Consequences are also important to consider: Disordered anger often damages people’s lives. “It interferes (干擾) with people’s relationships and their jobs,” says Raymond Chip Tafrate, a US psychologist. “Even their health is affected.”

Anger clearly increases the risk of certain health problems, as many studies have shown. “When a person is angry, their heart beats faster and their blood pressure goes up,” says Howard Kassinove, a professor at Hofstra University in New York. Over time, these changes take their toll on the body, he adds.

Experts suggest that people with an anger problem take anger-management programs. The programs teach people to control their responses to stressful situations through the use of relaxation techniques. The programs sometimes include life-skills training as well: increasing someone’s level of competence (競爭)– whether on the job or as a parent or partner – helps bring down stress and cut angry feelings.

1. A person who _________ most possibly has disordered anger in the experts’ opinion?

A. can’t get out of anger quickly

B. is dissatisfied with relationships

C. has high blood pressure

D. is worried about his job

2. What does the underlined word Consequences mean?

A. Responses.         B. Effects.        C. Reasons.         D. Feelings

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Anger is an secondary emotion that makes people sad and stressed.

B. Anger was recognized as an illness by most doctors in the past.

C. A person with an anger problem gets angry more often and easily.

D. The use of relaxation techniques is the best way to manage anger.

4. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Can anger be an illness?

B. Is it disordered anger?

C. Can anger influence our life?

D. Is anger management important?



