
A)完成對話  通讀對話,然后根據(jù)上下文補全對話內(nèi)容。(共5小題,每小題2分)

A: Li Hua, the summer vacation is coming ___66____?

B: I'm going to visit my grandparents in the countryside.

A: Oh. I’ve never been to the countryside. It must be fun.

B: Of course. ___67____? 

A: I'm going to visit some famous universities in Beijing.

B: ___68____?

A: I’m going to Tsinghua University, Peking University. By the way, how will you go to the countryside?

B: ___69____.

A: I hope you’ll have a good time.  Will you please e-mail me some photos of countryside?

B: ___70____.

A ) 66. What are you going to do?

67. Where are you going?

68. Which universities will you visit?

69. By bus.\ By car.\ By bike…

70. Thanks, I will.

