The song __________was created by a funny Korean singer.

A.that we sang along with it

B.which we sang along

C.we sang along with

D.we sang along










科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

     On Thursday afternoon, I tried to make some money with my voice. But I only k  1    two songs.
I decided to start at the kind old lady's house. But she did not come to the door. I was a  2   she could
not hear me, so I tried to sing louder. She still did not come, so I went to her neighbor's house. I was
in the middle of my second song w  3  the door opened.
      "W  4   are you doing?" a lady asked me crossly.
      "I'm singing". 
      "Yes, but why are you singing?"
      "I need money."
      "Well, I'll g  5   you 10 pence to go away."
       I went away. This time I sang at a house at the end of the street. A man c  6   to the door.
      "What are you doing?" he asked.
      "I'm trying to sing."
      "Young man," he said." Some people have good voices and some people have bad voice, and people
w  7   bad voices ought not to sing."
      "But I'm trying to earn some money," I told him. 
      "Oh, I see. Well, I'll give you a j 8   to do, if you want, you can sweep the l 9    for me." It was hard
work but I am now 35 pence y 10    than I was yesterday.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

     On Thursday after moon, I tried to make some money with my voice. But I only k  1  two songs. I
decided to start at the kind old lady’s house. But she did not come to the door. I was a  2  she could not
hear me ,so I tried to sing louder. She still did not come , so I went to her neighbor’s house. I was in the
middle of my second song w  3  the door opened.
     "W 4  are you doing?” a lady asked me crossly.
     "I’m singing".
     "Yes, but why are you singing?"
     "I need money."
     "Well, I’ll g  5  you 10 pence to go away."
I went away. This time I sang at a house at the end of the street. A man c  6  to the door.
     "What are you doing?" he asked.
     "I’m trying to sing."
     "Young man , " he said . " Some people have good voices and some people have bad voices, and
people w  7  bad voices ought not to sing."
     "But I’m trying to earn some money," I told him.
     "Oh, I see .Well, I’ ll  give you a j   8   to do , if you want , you can sweep the l   9   
for me.."
It was hard work but I am now 35 pence y  10  than I was yesterday.
1. k         2. a         3. w        4. W       5.  g        
6. c         7. w        8. j          9. l         10. y          


科目:初中英語 來源:山東省期末題 題型:填空題

1. The Great W_________ is very famous in the world.
2. I'm free (空閑的) today. I have n_________ to do.
3. The song is very p_________. Everyone likes singing it.
4. Koalas like eating l_________.
5. Please don't talk l_________, your brother is sleeping.
6. _________(地理) is one of our subjects.
7. How do you _________(度過) your spare time?
8. Some brooms (掃帚) are in the _________(墻角) of the classroom.
9. They often _________(打仗) at home. Mom is very angry.
10. The music makes me _________(記住) Johnny Dean.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:


Yesterday afternoon, I went to Wei Fang’s birthday party. She (1) h _____ her thirteen birthday. The party (2) s_____ at five in the open air. There was a big cake, on it (3) w_____ thirteen candles. I (4) g_____ her a present of music box. When she (5) o_____ it, it began to (6) s_____ the song “Happy birthday (7) t_____ you”. All of us sang and laughed. We (8) f _____ very happy. The party lasted two hours. When we (9) l______, it was about half (10) p_____ eleven.   


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. They talked and laughed the w_____afternoon .
2. The children were flying k_____on the playground .
3. I like the song very much. It's one of my f_____.
4. "s_____” is another way of saying “shop”.
5. Is there enough r_____for me in the car?

