1. I grew these tomatoes myself. (she, tell)
2. I'll certainly help you tomorrow. (Robert, promise) 
3. Why did they do that? (he, wonder) 
4. The new book will be come out in November. (Sarah, announce)
5. Yes, I lied to the police. (he, admit)
6. Would you like to come to my birthday party? (Alex, invite) 
7. Are you sure your mother will bring this here? (Julia, ask)
8. Please don't wait for me if I'm late. (Kevin,ask) 
9. Merry Christmas! (Kitty, wish)
10. You mustn't come in without knocking. (Lori, tell) 
1. She told me that she had grown chose tomatoes herself.
2. Robert promised that he would help me the next day.
3. He wondered why they had done that.
4. Sarah announced that the new book would be come out in November.
5. He admitted that he had lied to the police.
6. Alex invited me to his birthday party.
7. Julia asked whether/if I was sure my mother would take that there.
8. Kevin asked me not to wait for him if he was late. 
9. Kitty wished me a Merry Christmas.
10. Lori told me that I mustn't go in without knocking.
