34.-- I hurt my nose. -- .A.I have a gift for you. B.Oh.how bad.C.You fell. D.I am sorry to hear that. 查看更多




   A                                   B

1. Dou you break your tail?       A. No, I hurt my nose

2. Would you like a banana?      B. Yes, please.

3. Can I help you?              C. Yes, I can

4. Can you take pictures?        D. No, thanks. I’m full

5. Are you Okay?              E. No, I don’t.


(     )1.A.I go to the airport by bus. 
          B.I went to the airport by bus.
          C.I went to the station by bus.
          D.I went to the airport take bus.
(     )2.A.Yes, I didn't have a good time.
          B.No, I had a good time.
          C.Yes, I had a good time
          D.No, I had a good time
(     )3.A.Yes, I miss you.
          B.Yes, she missed you.
          C.Yes, I missed you. 
          D.Yes, she misses you.
(     )4.A.I hurt my nose.
          B.I hurted my nose.
          C.I hurt my leg. 
          D.I hurted my leg.
(     )5.A.Not thank me.
          B.You're welcome.
          C.You are right. 
          D.Not at all.


(     )1. Dou you break your tail? 
(     )2. Would you like a banana? 
(     )3. Can I help you?          
(     )4. Can you take pictures?   
(     )5. Are you Okay?            
A. No, I hurt my nose.      
B. Yes, please.             
C. Yes, I can.                                                             
D. No, thanks. I'm full.    
E. No, I don't.          


A: Hi, Daming. You look so sad. Anything  1_______________?

B: I think I can't go to play basketball with you tomorrow.

A: 2______________ not?

B: Because I hurt my fingers just now.

A: What a  3______________! What about playing football?

B: Good  4____________. But I want to see a doctor first.

A: You are  5______________. I hope you'll be all right soon.

B: Thank you!



I hurt my leg badly, so I __________ go to school tomorrow.

   A. can           B. will be able to      C. won’t can      D. won’t be able to


