35.--Can your sister swim? -- .A.Yes, she does B.No, she can't C.Yes, she can't D.No, she canClass, of all the things we eat and drink, water is the 36 important.Not 37 people understand this but it is quite true.The human body can go 38 food for a long time, but two 39 three days without water usually make people 40 .Many people do not understand how 41 water the human body needs 42 well and many people do not drink 43 , especially in hot weather.Most people drink when they are thirsty but often need more water, especially when they take exercises.A man's body is 65 to 70 percent water.If we do not have 44 water, we feel 49 and may become ill.Do you know what the best drink is? 查看更多



--Can your sister swim?


A.Yes, she does                   B.No, she can't

C.Yes, she can't                   D.No, she can


Jim and Lucy are brother and sister. Jim is 18 and Lucy is 16. They are students. Winter vacation is coming and they want to find something *to do during the winter vacation. Now they’re reading the newspaper want ads at home.

Ad11:                    Ad2:                     Ad3:                             

Tutor* wanted: Are you good at English? Do you like kids? Can you work on weekends? If your answer is “Yes”, then we have a job for you as a tutor. Please call Frank at 865-78312.                 

Chess club: Do you like to play chess? Do you want to play chess well? Mr Green can teach you. You can come here every Friday afternoon. Tel: 883-99950. Room 102 in School’s PE Building.*        

Help wanted: Do you want to work at a restaurant? Do you like to work late? Do you like to meet people? Are you 18-23 years old? Are you free* during the winter vacation? Then come and work for us as a waiter. Call Jodie’s Restaurant at 886-55777.


1.In Ad1, they need ________.

A.a waiter           B.a reporter         C.a nurse           D.a tutor

2.What can Mr Green teach people?

A.To swim           B.To dance          C.To play chess       D.To speak English

3.Jim joins the chess club. When does he go to the club?

A.Every day.                             B.Every Friday afternoon.

C.Every Sunday afternoon.                  D.On weekends.

4.Jim wants to be a waiter. Which telephone number can he call?

A.865-78312        B.883-99950        C.886-55777        D.891-34576

5.Lucy has no classes during the winter vacation. Why can’t she have the job as a waiter?

A.Because she is 16 years old.               B.Because she is busy during the winter vacation.

C.Because she is a girl.                     D.Because her parents don’t agree.


