(     ) 1. A. RIY             
(     ) 2. A. 124809          
(     ) 3. A. skate           
(     ) 4. A. read newspapers 
(     ) 5. A. washed clothes  
(     ) 6. A. potato          
(     ) 7. A. elephant        
(     ) 8. A. doctor          
(     ) 9. A. dictionary      
(     ) 10. A. purple         
B. IRY           
B. 412908        
B. skirt         
B. empty the trash  
B. watched TV    
B. tomato        
B. squirrel      
B. driver        
B. engineer      
B. paper         
C. LRY            
C. 142089         
C. shirt          
C. sweep the floor
C. took pictures  
C. carrot         
C. strawberry     
C. nurse          
C. accountant     
C. picture        
1. A  2. B  3. C  4. A  5. C  6. B  7. A  8. B  9. B  10. A
