1. There are twelve months ____________ a year. 2. April is the fourth month ____________ the year. 3. My birthday is ____________ March 12th 4. We go to school ____________ Monday ____________ Friday. 5. Mother's Day is also ____________ May. 6. I eat lunch ____________ my family.
( ) 1. Ilivenear fromschool. ________________ A B C D ( ) 2. Idrivemybicycle. ________________ A B C D ( ) 3. Is thisa busanda truck? ________________ A B C D ( ) 4. Ilive ina housein Ninth Avenue. ________________ A B C D ( ) 5. Whereareyoulive? ________________ A B C D ( ) 6. Thisisaapartment. ________________ A B C D ( ) 7. Can you play andmetoday? ________________ A B C D