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34.  ______ pandas, golden monkeys are in danger of dying out in our country.

  A. But for       B. Except          C. As with          D. Instead of


33.  With the pressure ______, she was off work for weeks because she couldn’t stand it any more.

  A. picking up      B. making up        C. building up        D. putting up


32. Distant education is playing a more and more important role, making it possible for people to be educated ______they do.

  A. however       B. wherever         C. whenever         D. whatever


31.  Of all the plays performed recently, _____ is more impressive than “Tea House” by Lao She.

  A. few          B. nothing           C. no one              D. none


30.  Hearing the 2006 Winter Asian Games ______, all the people in Changchun Stadium burst into cheers.

  A. declared to be opened               B. declaring to be opened

  C. declared open                  D. to be declared open


29.  For six or seven months in a year here no work can be done _______ the rainy season makes it impossible.

  A. when         B. that             C. until             D. where


28.  The idea of the robot ­­______ by a Czech playwright. The word “robot” means “work” in the Czech language and that is what they ______ to do.

    A. was invented; intended               B. was invented; are intended

    C. is invented; intend                  D. is invented; are intended


27.  President Hu Jintao said China and the US have common ______ in Taiwan.

    A. affairs         B. business          C. projects           D. interests


26.  It was _______ creative thinking that I took the course, not to get high marks in examinations.

  A. developing     B. to develop        C. developed       D. to have developed

