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36. starve  be starving for


36. stand  stand still 站著一動不動There stands a hill. I can’t stand getting up early. 忍受  ( bear, put up with)  stand by  袖手旁觀   stand for 代表(represent)  stand out 突出,顯著

stand up to  經(jīng)的起 He can’t stand up to the cold weather here.


35. spread 展開,傳播, 散布, spread out a map攤開地圖  spread tea on the table把茶點擺在桌子上  spread news  傳播消息   The news spread quickly.


34. sponsor  主辦, 倡議  The exhibition was sponsored by the Society of Culture.


33. spoil 搞糟,寵壞  spoil my holiday   spoil my reputation  spoil the child  a spoilt child


32. in spite of = despite = regardless of  In spite of what you have said, I still believe he is honest.


31. spirit  精神[pl. ]情緒, 心情   lift one’s spirits up    in high spirits = in a good mood


30. speed 速度  at a speed of eighty miles an hour   at full/top speed

speed up  加快速度   speed up the development of ,


29. not to speak of (更)不用說, ( not to mention) speak highly of 稱贊, 高度評價 speak well of

speak of  講起, 談到,  speak out 大聲講   speak to  向 ... 說,


28. source 來源;出處  The news comes from a reliable source  trace to its source  追本溯源

