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4.though (although)引導讓步狀語從句,because 引導原因狀語從句, 所以though(although)不能和并列連詞but ,because 不能和并列連詞 so一起使用。只能單獨使用。



例如:When the alarm clock rang. (不完整)


2.從屬連詞,如that, whether, when, because, though等,用以引導名詞性從句、定語從句和狀語從句。




1.并列連詞,如:and,  or,  but,  so for, 等, 連接并列的詞與詞,短語與短語,句子與句子。

例如:Rice and potatoes are common foods.  (詞與詞)

Today we can travel by plane or by train. (短語與短語)

Many trees lose their leaves in winter, but evergreen trees do not.  ( 句子與句子)


例如:both……and……,      not……but…….

not only……but also……   not only…but… as well

either……or……       neither……nor……


如:Either the windows or the door was open .



   (1)as , like

as  表示“作為”強調(diào)身份,like (介詞)表示“像”

As a teacher, he cares for these children.

Like a teacher, he cares for these children.

(2)with ,  in

  with 表示“外貌特征或附帶的東西” ,“ 用……作工具”

in 表示”衣著” ,用某語言,也用in

A man with dark glasses wanted to buy drinks.

    A man in black wanted to buy drinks.

    The boy is learning to write in pencil / with a pencil.

    He retold the text in English.

(3)for ,  to


  to 表示動作對象, “對, 向”, 如:

  He would do anything for his motherland.

  Did you mention this to my father?


for 表示“就某情況而說 ”,  to 表示“對某對象而言”如:

It’s quite warm today for February.就二月的天氣,今天夠暖和的。

What he told you just now was not new to me。


for 表示“目的,用途”。與go,  come 動詞連用。

(4)except , besides

  except 表示“從總體中排除一部分”, 與but 同義, besides 表示“除了一部分還有另一部分”

  We all failed except him. 我們都失敗了,但他沒有。

He speaks German besides French.. 除法語外, 他還會講英語。


  get into (out of ) the car, jump onto (off) the platform,  out of 


    to one’s surprise / joy,  in charge of , instead of,  in bed (hospital), in trouble, in a hurry, in surprise, with a smile, with one voice, according to, at once,  on time,  in time,  in all, at last, at least,  in the end,  by the way, for example,  at the same time,  at the same speed,  on one’s way (to),  in the sun,  on the football team, in line,  with the help of,  in red / green ,put on,  look for,  look after,  run after,  send for,  enter for,  pay for,  show…around,  listen to,  arrive in  /  at,  get to, agree with, succeed in,  think of (about), wait for,…



(1)into,  inside , in  從外到內(nèi) ,  如:

  He went quickly into / inside the room.

  He went quickly out of / outside the room.

(2)out of 從里到外,相當于outside, 或從里向外,相當于from

  She went out of the office in a hurry 她匆匆走出辦公室。

  The boy watched the buses,  cars and bikes out from the window .


(3)on 在……表面,onto  到……上

A boat is on the river. 一條小船在河上。

He jumped onto a tree. 他跳上一棵樹。

(4)across 穿過一平面,through 穿過一空間

  The boy kicked the ball hard and it moved across the grass.


  The train moved fast through the tunnel. 火車飛駛穿過隧道。

(5)to ,towards 朝……去

She walked to the bank. 她步行到銀行去。

She swam towards the shore. 她朝岸邊游去。



   (1)at,  in

當事物被視作一點,不強調(diào)其空間常用介詞at。而表示空間內(nèi)部用介詞in,  如:

We’ll meet at the supermarket .我們在超市見面

I had to stay in the supermarket as it was raining hard.


*動詞arrive 后接at ,表示較小的地方, 如: 車站、村莊等;后接in 表示較大地方,如: 城市,地區(qū)等。

(2)in,  to

  in 表示事物在區(qū)域范圍內(nèi)的位置,to 表示事物相對區(qū)域范圍之外另一事物的位置,如:

  Shanghai is in the east of China. 上海在中國東部

Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中國東面。

in front of 表示在前面,一般不在范圍內(nèi),in the front of 表示在前部,在同一范圍內(nèi)。

(3)after,  behind

  after 指順序先后 ,behind 指位置在某事物之后,相對于in front of 而言,  如:

  He entered the classroom after the teacher

He hid himself behind the door。 他躲在門后。

(4)on ,  in

  on 表示“在某物表面上”。如將物看作空間,表示在其內(nèi)部,用介詞in。

  There is a modern painting on the wall .


  There is a modern painting in the wall .


(5)from ,  off 都表示“離開”

(6)above , over,  below , under

  over , under 表示垂直的上下關(guān)系,而above,  below    僅表示位置上“高于”或“低于”, 不表示垂直關(guān)系。

(7)between,  among

between 表示“兩個事物之間”,  among 表示“三者以上的事物之間”。



含this,  that,  last,  next 等表示時間的名詞詞組,以及某些時間的副詞或名詞詞組前不用介詞,如:this year,last summer,  yesterday , the day after tomorrow 等。



   (1)at, on

at 表示某一時刻,on 表示某一天或日期,  如:

at 7:14,  on Saturday morning  on the night of May 2

一天內(nèi)各段時間表達, 須選用正確的介詞,請比較:

in the morning

on a winter / snow / cold / morning

at night

on the night of March 7th

in the evening

on Friday evening

(2)before,  by

before 表示某一時間之前,而by 表示到某一時間止,句中謂語動詞多用完成時態(tài)。如:

You must get up before six. 你必須六點之前起床。

By the end of last month the boy had got 4 “As”.  


(3)after , since

  after  可以表示過去某一點時間之后,通常和一般過去時連用,而since表示從過去某時間開始延續(xù)到現(xiàn)在的一段時間, 與現(xiàn)在完成時連用,如;

My father lived in Shanghai after liberation .


Since the end of last year the lady has given five concerts.


(4)from…to,  until /  till

  from----to表示從某一點時間到另一點時間的一段時間,而until 或till 表示某動作或狀態(tài)延續(xù)到某點時間。如:

  My mother studied in Beijing University from 1960 to 1964.


  My mother entered Beijing University in 1960, and studied there until 1964.





   (1)in , after

    in +時間段,表示從現(xiàn)在起往后推算一段時間

    after +時間段,表示過去某時間往后推算一段時間,如:

He’ll come back in two days. 但鐘點用after( after three o’clock)

He left on July 2 and returned after three days.

(2)in , during     表示在一段特指的時間內(nèi),可用in 或during

  The work was done in  /  during the holidays.     表示年份、月份、季節(jié)用in , 如:in 1999 ,in June , in winter

(3)for the past + 時間段, during


I have been in Shanghai in the last few years.

(4)for 表示延續(xù)一段時間

I’ll study in the U.S for two years.

I’ve waited for Bingo for half an hour.

